Andrey Dubov


Andrei Dubov has an outstanding energy of expression in all his interpretations and a very clear and profiled understanding of all aspects of the music he plays. He is able to convey his colourful and profound visions very impressivly, being able to rely on remarkable technical skills which never show any limits.
Professor of the University Mozarteum Salzburg, head of piano department Andreas Groethuysen

All the arrangements of Andrei Dubov have been repeatedly presented to the public, and received positive reviews from leading musicians and musicologists in Europe, USA and Asia. These were performed on the stage of Carnegie Hall, the Berlin Philharmonic, Great Hall of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and many other concert venues worldwide.

  • Pas de Deux
  • Piano — arr. Dubov A.
  • 9.00 USD

Andrei Dubov. Piano arrangements.

20.12.2017 Artigo

The present collection contains piano arrangements of famous pieces originally composed for a symphony orchestra or voice and piano. Every piece of music presented here belong to the era of Russian Romanticism and find their place among the best of the world’s music along with the Viennese Classics, French impressionism and American jazz. Admirers of the classical music around the world appreciate Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff; each of their works is an invaluable contribution to the world ...

Андрей Дубов. Фортепианные транскрипции.

19.12.2017 Artigo

В настоящем сборнике представлены фортепианные транскрипции известных произведений, написанных для симфонического оркестра или для голоса в сопровождении фортепиано. Все они являются шедеврами эпохи русского романтизма, что непосредственно их объединяет, и занимают одну из вершин в мировой культуре наряду с венской классикой, французским импрессионизмом и американским джазом. Мусоргский, Чайковский и Рахманинов признаны любимыми композиторами почитателей классической музыки во всём мире, каждое их ...

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